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Thursday, January 16, 2020   /   by Adam Donaldson-Moxley

A Huge List of Tucson's Best 2020 Events

Article originally posted on thistucson.com on January 10, 2020With so many local events and festivals to choose from each year, here are our favorites for this year. For the whole list of events click the link below 
Full 2020 Event List

Tucson Gem, Mineral and Fossil Showcase

For a little more than two weeks in February, vendors from around the world converge in Tucson at more than 40 venues to sell gems, minerals, fossils and other items. 

When: Feb. 1-16, 2020

Info: Go here

UA Spring Fling
This student-run carnival features rides, games, food booths and entertainment on the University of Arizona Mall. 

When: April 3-5, 2020

Info: Go here

Fourth Avenue Street Fair
The street fair features artists from around the world, crafters, entertainers and food vendors twice annually, in spring and winter. 

When: March 20-22, 2020 and again in the winter

Info: Go here

Dusk Music Festival ...

Wednesday, January 15, 2020   /   by Adam Donaldson-Moxley

Local Contractor Helps Schools Save on Lighting Costs

Article originally posted on TEP.com on January 2020
Tucson Electric Power’s program to improve energy efficiency in local schools is simultaneously supporting Arizona-based jobs.
Reducing schools’ utility costs leaves more resources to serve students. “When you consider there’s a 10-year life expectancy for LED lighting, they’re also saving on repair and maintenance over those years as well.”
For the entire article click the link below
Click Here ...

Wednesday, January 8, 2020   /   by Adam Donaldson-Moxley

Rising rents driving out families, affecting classrooms in Tucson

Article originally posted on Tucson.com on January 6, 2020
Rocio Villa’s plans were foiled last spring when the apartment complex where she lived on Tucson’s southwest side suddenly increased the rent $250 per month.
Villa had become a single mom a couple of years earlier and was training for better work, but she still needed to pay for a final skills test.
With the increased housing costs, she found herself deciding between groceries and utilities. The family even tolerated living without electricity for a while because she couldn’t afford food if she paid all her bills.
The new job as a medical assistant was on hold as she tried to figure out how to stay put — and to help her kids see out the end of the school year.
Rising rents in Tucson are forcing a number of Tucson families, like Villa’s, to relocate. And when these families have to move, their children often have to switch schools, disrupting their educations.
In some neighborhoods, when ...