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Investors buy part of city's tallest building for hotel project

Friday, December 4, 2020   /   by Adam Donaldson-Moxley

Investors buy part of city's tallest building for hotel project

Article originally posted on tucson.com on December 2nd, 2020

Plans for a new hotel in downtown Tucson are in the works for the city’s tallest building, One South Church. Phoenix investors 1SC Hotel QOZB LLC, bought five floors of the 23-story tower for a 145-room boutique hotel for $7.5 million.

The hotel will be on floors 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. 
The rest of the tower, named after its address, will remain office space and also be upgraded.

Click on the link below to see the full article and other recent commercial real estate transactions around town: Link